
How to run this image

The basic command is:

docker run -it --rm -v <absolute path to config directory on host>:/config/ -v <absolute path to granule on host>:/data/<granule name> sdap/ningester <profiles to activate>

Replacing the following:

  • <absolute path to config directory on host> should be the absolute path on the host to the configuration for the job
  • <absolute path to granule on host> should be the absolute path on the host to the granule intended for ingestion
  • <granule name> should be the filename of the granule
  • <profiles to activate> is a comma-separated list of profiles to activate

The ExampleJob.yml file shows an example Job configuration that would ingest an AVHRR granule.


Upon running the image, the ningester job will scan the /config directory for any files that end with the .yml extension. Specifically it uses find:

find /config -name "*.yml" | awk -vORS=, '{ print $1 }'

Therefore, to configure the job, mount your configuration files into /config using a Docker volume. Alternatively, configuration is loaded via Spring Boot’s relaxed binding rules. So, you can also configure the job through environment variables where each ‘level’ of the yaml file gets replaced by an ‘_’.

For example, given a configuration option in yaml that looks like:

    tile_slicer: sliceFileByTilesDesired
      tilesDesired: 1296
      timeDimension: time
        - lat
        - lon

These could be replaced with the following corresponding Environment variables:


However, because ningester has a lot of configuration options, it is recommended to use the yaml option.


Ningester is designed to ingest 1 granule per run. It looks for the granule to ingest in the /data directory of the container image. Use a Docker volume to mount your data into /data.

The image relies on this command to find the first file in /data and it will use that file for ingestion:

find /data -type f -print -quit


A few example commands are shared here.

Docker for Mac

The ConnectionSettings-DockerForMac.yml file shows an example of how to configure the connection settings when running this job under Docker for Mac with Solr and Cassandra running on your host Mac.

Replace <path to ningester> with the path on your local workstation to the ningester github project.

docker run -it --rm -v <path to ningester>/docker/example_config/:/config/ -v <path to ningester>/src/test/resources/granules/ sdap/ningester dockermachost,solr,cassandra